AMEA 2.1 - Advanced Material Earliest Assessment AMEA is the first step in the HARMLESS SSbD-DSS workflow
AMEA 2.1 is an online tool, developed by HARMLESS, that helps industry by means of three simple questions with their Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) choices for advanced materials (AdMa) in the earliest phases of innovation.
By means of three simple questions a relevant material category is determined, presenting the user with specific SSbD advice for each of the early innovation stages.
What is AMEA?
AMEA stands for Advanced Material Earliest Assessment and aims to provide
- earliest (i.e. at a very early innovation stage with a low TLR)
- assessment (i.e. categorization and corresponding advice)
- particularly distinguishing conventional vs advanced materials (a.k.a. CoMa vs AdMa).
Based on merging and amending categories from DAMADEI and MatSEEC platforms and AMI2030, we propose to categorise advanced materials in three dimensions by answering three questions. These answers lead to a material categorization. Given this categorization and the appropriate innovation stage, relevant advice will be given.
HARMLESS Decision Support System
The HARMLESS project aims to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) for Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) for complex nano-materials and high-aspect ratio nano-materials. AMEA is the first step in the workflow of the HARMLESS SSbD-DSS. More information about the DSS, which is aimed to become public early 2025, can be found HERE.
The AMEA approach has recently been published in:
- "Advanced Materials Earliest Assessment (AMEA)", Wendel Wohlleben, Michael Persson, Blanca Suarez Merino, Anders Baun, Veronica di Battista, Susan Dekkers, Eugene P. van Someren, Dirk Broßell, Burkhard Stahlmecke, Martin Wiemann, Otmar Schmid, Andrea Haase Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2024,11, 2948-2967.
Register or login
This tool is freely available, please register or login
More about SSbD at TNO:
- The future of chemicals is Safe and Sustainable by Design (Oct 2024)
- SSbD presents significant opportunities for the Dutch chemical sector (Aug 2024)
- BASF and TNO collaborate on Decision Support for SSbD (July 2024)
- Safe and sustainable chemicals drives opportunities and transitions (July 2024)
- Safe chemical innovations | TNO
- TNO’s approach for safe and sustainable chemicals innovation (May 2024)
- The future of chemicals is safe and sustainable by design (Publication 2024)
- Application of tiered human health and environmental risk assessment to develop safe and sustainable by design perovskite-based devices (Publication 2024)
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 953183.