Overview of the highlighted projects and modules in DIAMONDS
Nano Exposure Quantifier

The Nano Exposure Quantifier (NEQ) is a quantitative exposure assessment tool. It is designed to assist users in the safe-by-design process and decisions to reduce risk as a result from working with manufactured nanomaterials. The NEQ offers a Tiered approach by adapting the questions based on the depth of information the user can provide allowing anywhere between a Tier-1 and a Tier-2 approach.
Read more about "nano exposure quantifier"WASP2.1 - Warning flags, design Advice & Screening Priorities

WASP 2.1 is an online tool to help industry with Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) in the ideation and business case phase. With only 12 (+3 optional) questions, the user a) gains insight in which areas require specific attention, b) gets advice on how to best change the design and c) gets advice on what assays and guidelines to follow and which descriptors to measure (in the lab phase).
Read more about "wasp2.1 - warning flags, design advice & screening priorities"TargetTri

TargetTri is an online platform for profiling drug targets in terms of safety and efficacy. TargetTri integrates text-mining, data-mining and network biology to obtain a complete view on effects exerted by target modulation. Queries can be initiated from either a protein/gene or a therapeutic indication.
Read more about "targettri"HPMA

Within the Human Performance Monitoring Algorithms (HPMA) project, a joint effort led by TNO and >QM_Project, a software module consisting of algorithms to interpret sensor data of human performance monitoring sensors is being developed. The algorithms will include Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, such as Machine Learning.
Read more about "hpma"AMEA 2.1 - Advanced Material Earliest Assessment

AMEA 2.1 is an online tool, developed by HARMLESS, that helps industry by means of three simple questions with their Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) choices for advanced materials (AdMa) in the earliest phases of innovation.
Read more about "amea 2.1 - advanced material earliest assessment"HARMLESS SSbD-DSS

The HARMLESS project aims to develop a Decision Support System for Safe-by-Design for complex nano-materials and high-aspect ratio nano-materials.
Read more about "harmless ssbd-dss"GRIP

GRIP (Guarding Robot Interaction Performance) is een RI&E die specifiek is gericht op mens-machine-interactie en diverse eisen uit de machineverordening. Via een gestructureerde vragenlijst worden allerlei aspecten van veiligheidsrisico’s en beheersmaatregelen nagelopen. Daarbij wordt gekeken naar technische factoren, de factor mens en de factor omgeving.
Read more about "grip"TRAAC

The TRAAC framework is developed to quantify the readiness of different tools and methods towards their wider regulatory acceptance and downstream use by different stakeholders. The framework diagnoses barriers which hinder regulatory acceptance and wider usability of a tool/method. It is based on their Transparency, Reliability, Accessibility, Applicability and Completeness (TRAAC).
Read more about "traac"Substance Information System

Substance Information System (SIS) is a public tool developed on the TNO DIAMONDS platform that allows users to search and find information on hazardous substances. The tool collects and organizes information from diverse sources to provide an integrative resource on substance properties, safety, health effects, exposure, and application by business sectors.
Read more about "substance information system"BEVSIM

The Battery Electric Vehicle Sustainability Impact Assessment Model (BEVSIM), was developed by TNO in the ALMA project.
Read more about "bevsim"Knowledge Miner

KnowledgeMiner is an online AI-based tool that assists experts in systematically finding evidence in scientific literature. It does so by facilitating the creation and expansion of dedicated ontologies and using them to mine substantial volumes of literature. Results are presented in heatmaps and datatables that can easily be used to further explore, analyze and filter relevant results.
Read more about "knowledge miner"Contamination Estimate Calculator

The Contamination Estimate Calculator is a public tool that provides the user with a first indication of the unintended allergen presence (UAP) in their product. The calculator guides the user through entry of data relevant for calculating and documenting UAP. The approach uses a simple calculation and can be one of the inputs used for risk management decision making.
Read more about "contamination estimate calculator"LICARA Innovation Scan

The LICARA Innovation Scan is a public tool that allows a preliminary but swift assessment of benefits and risks for innovative products.
Read more about "licara innovation scan"ECEL 3.0

ECEL 3.0 is a public tool developed on the DIAMONDS platform that offers a searchable library of occupational and environmental Risk Management Measures (RMM). Supporting registrants to evaluate the quantitative effectiveness of a specific RMM or downstream users (industry, research, consulting) on the most suitable RMM for a given exposure or emission scenario.
Read more about "ecel 3.0"DTOX

DTOX is a DIAMONDS project that integrates knowledge and data relating to the chemical structure, kinetics, metabolism, system biology and toxicity of substances with Omics data obtained from alternative experimental models for biological verification. This enables faster, more informed choices when investigating the safety of chemical substances for product development and/or registration.
Read more about "dtox"Hotspot Scan

The Hotspot Scan is a public tool that allows a systematic and efficient assessment of potential hotspots in the life cycle of innovative products. To perform a full LCA can be a time-consuming and challenging task, the HotSpot Scan provides an intermediate assessment focusing on the strongest human health and environmental impacts based on establishing all the material flows.
Read more about "hotspot scan"Trusted World of Corona (TWOC)

TWOC aims help clinicians, the scientific community, policy makers and politicians and the public at large to get near real time accurate, expert-annotated and specific information in a modern, user friendly and easily accessible format.
Read more about "trusted world of corona (twoc)"iCFD - ITENE Computational Fluid Dynamics model

Computational Fluid Dynamics model developed by ITENE to calculate efficiency and exposure concentration for particular local exhaust ventilation system (LEV).
Read more about "icfd - itene computational fluid dynamics model"Literature Review

The Literature Review Module is a module in the DIAMONDS platform that allows researchers to perform literature reviews in an efficient and systematic manner. Literature is automatically downloaded from PubMed and kept up-to-date, thereby saving a lot of time.
Read more about "literature review"Psycat

Psycat is a DIAMONDS project that provides a valid instrument designed to detect psychosocial problems in children. It is an intelligent web-based questionnaire that smartly decides which questions to ask based on the given answers so far. Psycat is available for parents of children in the ranges of 2 to 4 and 7 to 11 years.
Read more about "psycat"GRIP

GRIP (Guarding Robot Interaction Performance) is an RI&E that is specifically aimed at human-machine interaction and various requirements from the Machinery Regulation. Various aspects of safety risks and control measures are examined via a structured questionnaire. This involves looking at technical factors, the human factor and the environment factor.
Read more about "grip"